A Slave to Pain and Evil, Now Free in Christ

(A wounded monster that God led toward a lamp shining in a dark place. Washed by the blood of Christ, filled with God's Spirit, given a new life, and sent out to offer His gift to others.)

Jesus Christ: Our Savior, Lord, Purpose, and Hope

The Gospel, Proof It's True, and Extras (Spanish)

The Gospel (message) of Jesus Christ in 4-5 min. Proof it's true like in a courtroom. Optional extras. GetHisWord.com is public domain: on-site content is free to use, link to, and remix.

How to Grow His Kingdom

Jesus commands us all to share the Gospel, obey it, and teach others to. It's every individuals' duty. This site can get you started in as little as 8 min. Also helps with studying, picking churches, free seminary, etc. GiveThemLife.com is public domain: on-site content is free to use, link to, and remix.

My Youtube Channel

It's mostly video versions of the articles on the sites above.

One of Many Sinners Jesus Saved

My Story: From Broken to Monster to Redeemed

My testimony (story) in multiple formats in case it helps any of you. What happened to me proves the Bible is really the Word of God. It also proves Jesus Christ can save anyone.

My Old Sins and Current Struggles

Many think they're too bad to forgive. Too flawed for God to use. Fact is God sent Jesus to die for His enemies. If a sheep strays, our Good Shepherd will bring them back. To inspire hope, here's my sins as an enemy of God followed by some struggles as a Christian. Anything good you've seen is His power He'll work in you. :)

My Baptism Statement

I got re-baptized to make sure it was a believer's baptism. God helped me use the time to turn others toward Jesus Christ.

Other Stuff

Corporate Whistleblower

The company abused workers and customers for years on end. They often made me deal with the damage they caused. Then, they ordered me to lie to customers they were defrauding. Then, they said I couldn't leave. Scripture says love others, expose evil, and fight oppression. I took action to protect my customers and coworkers by sending a web site to hundreds of them. They fired me on Sep 7, 2021 for whistleblowing. One tyrant was forced to retire, though. The 14-year gap on my resume made good jobs harder to get, though.

Other Christian Articles

They include evangelism, apologetics, and teaching metaphors. Some of these I'm still exploring where they aren't ready to push for wide adoption. If they get good feedback, they might end up on GetHisWord.com or GiveThemLife.com. I've still used a lot of it face-to-face, though.

Tech Articles

I did tech for a long time. Now, I'm starting to write on these topics from a perspective centered on Christ, righteousness, and love.

You can also contact me here by email if you want. If you have Facebook, you can message me through this page.